TOMS RIVER — A Porsche Boxster traveling that went airbourne into the second floor of a building on Sunday morning — leaving two people dead — was removed by early afternoon.
The driver, Braden DeMartin, 22 of Toms River and his passenger, Daniel Foley, 23, of Toms River were heading north on Hooper Avenue toward Brick when DeMartin lost control of the car and hit the center median, continuing north and striking an embankment, according to Toms River police spokeswoman Jillian Messina. That caused the vehicle to go airborne into the building, which it smashed through, leaving a gaping hole.
Messina did not say who owned the car nor an exact rate of speed the Porsche was traveling.
Skid marks could be seen on the eastbound side of Hooper Avenue heading toward the center median and the building. The car landed upside down with its bumper landing on the front lawn.
Crowds gathered late Sunday morning to watch as firefighters removed bricks from where the red Porsche was lodged to allow a crane to lift it out of the second floor and to the parking lot below.
Toms River Building Inspector John Gerrity deemed the building unsafe.
Robert Brown mourned the loss of his two friends in a Facebook post.
"I can’t believe it another 2 of my childhood friends gone bro I remember when we used to scooter and bike at the incline club and had no problems or worries I never saw this coming bro I might not have been your best friend or anything but I do remember the good times we had as kids Rest In Peace and god bless your families," Brown wrote.
Read More: How a Porsche flew into 2nd floor of a building, killing two | https://nj1015.com/how-a-porsche-flew-into-the-2nd-flood-of-a-building-killing-two/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral